handyman jax professional assemble a suspended ceiling with drywall and fixing the drywall to the ceiling metal frame with screwdriver.

Jacksonville Handyman’s Guide to Drywall Repair and Installation

Drywall is an essential component of any home, providing a smooth and durable surface for walls and ceilings. Whether you are dealing with minor repairs or planning a complete installation, it’s important to understand the common issues and best practices for drywall repair and installation in Jacksonville.

Table of Contents

Common Drywall Issues in Jacksonville

Jacksonville’s climate can pose unique challenges for drywall. The high humidity levels in the area can cause moisture to seep into the walls, leading to mold and mildew growth. Additionally, wear and tear from everyday use can result in cracks, holes, and dents in the drywall.

If you notice any of these issues, it’s crucial to address them promptly to prevent further damage and maintain the integrity of your walls. Hiring a professional handyman can help ensure that the repairs are done correctly and efficiently.

Repairing Drywall

Drywall is a common material used for interior walls and ceilings in homes. It is made of gypsum plaster sandwiched between two sheets of paper. Drywall is durable and easy to install, but it can also get damaged by various factors, such as water, mold, insects, fire, or impact. If you notice any signs of drywall damage in your Jacksonville home, such as holes, cracks, stains, or sagging, you should act quickly to repair it and prevent further problems. Here are some steps to follow for repairing drywall:

Assess the Damage

The first step is to identify the extent and type of the damage and determine whether it can be repaired or if replacement is necessary. Depending on the size and location of the damage, you may need different tools and materials for the repair. Here are some common types of drywall damage and how to assess them:

  • Small holes: These are usually caused by nails, screws, or hooks. They are easy to repair with some spackle or joint compound and a putty knife. You can also use a self-adhesive patch or a mesh tape to cover the hole before applying the compound.
  • Large holes: These are usually caused by doorknobs, furniture, or accidents. They require more work and materials to repair. You will need to cut out the damaged area and replace it with a new piece of drywall. You will also need some wood strips, screws, joint tape, and joint compound to secure and finish the repair.
  • Cracks: These are usually caused by settling, moisture, or temperature changes. They can be repaired with some joint tape and joint compound. You will need to widen the crack slightly with a utility knife and remove any loose debris before applying the tape and compound.
  • Stains: These are usually caused by water, mold, or smoke. They can be repaired with some stain-blocking primer and paint. You will need to clean the stained area with a damp cloth and let it dry before applying the primer and paint. If the stain is caused by water or mold, you will also need to fix the source of the problem and check for any structural damage behind the drywall.
  • Sagging: This is usually caused by water damage or improper installation. It can be repaired by replacing the sagging drywall with a new one. You will need to remove the sagging drywall and check for any damage to the framing or insulation behind it. You will also need to install new drywall and finish it with joint tape and compound.

Prepare the Area

The second step is to clear the surrounding area and protect any furniture or fixtures from dust and debris. You will need to cover the floor with a drop cloth or a plastic sheet and move any furniture or objects away from the wall or ceiling. You will also need to turn off the power and remove any electrical outlets or switches that are near the damaged area. You will need to use a stud finder to locate the studs behind the drywall and mark them with a pencil. You will also need to gather the tools and materials you need for the repair, such as:

  • Utility knife
  • Drywall saw
  • Tape measure
  • Pencil
  • Level
  • Drill
  • Screws
  • Wood strips
  • Drywall sheets
  • Spackle or joint compound
  • Putty knife
  • Self-adhesive patch or mesh tape
  • Joint tape
  • Sandpaper
  • Stain-blocking primer
  • Paint
  • Paintbrush or roller

Fix the Problem

The third step is to fix the problem depending on the type of damage. Here are some general guidelines for fixing different types of drywall damage:

  • Small holes: Apply some spackle or joint compound over the hole with a putty knife and smooth it out. Let it dry and sand it lightly. Repeat if necessary until the hole is filled and flush with the wall. Alternatively, you can use a self-adhesive patch or a mesh tape to cover the hole before applying the compound.
  • Large holes: Cut out the damaged area with a drywall saw and make sure the edges are straight and smooth. Cut a piece of drywall that fits the hole and mark its outline on the wall. Cut some wood strips that are slightly longer than the hole and insert them behind the drywall. Secure them with screws to the existing drywall. Place the new drywall piece over the hole and secure it with screws to the wood strips. Apply some joint tape over the seams and cover it with joint compound. Smooth it out and let it dry. Sand it lightly and apply another coat of compound if needed.
  • Cracks: Widen the crack slightly with a utility knife and remove any loose debris. Apply some joint tape over the crack and press it firmly. Cover the tape with joint compound and smooth it out. Let it dry and sand it lightly. Apply another coat of compound if needed.
  • Stains: Clean the stained area with a damp cloth and let it dry. Apply some stain-blocking primer over the stain and let it dry. Apply some paint over the primer and let it dry. Apply another coat of paint if needed.
  • Sagging: Remove the sagging drywall with a drywall saw and check for any damage to the framing or insulation behind it. Replace any damaged materials and install new drywall over the area. Secure it with screws to the studs. Apply some joint tape over the seams and cover it with joint compound. Smooth it out and let it dry. Sand it lightly and apply another coat of compound if needed.

Smooth and Finish

The final step is to smooth and finish the repaired area to match the rest of the wall or ceiling. You will need to sand the area lightly with sandpaper to create a smooth surface. You will also need to apply a suitable finish, such as paint or texture, to blend the repair with the existing drywall. Here are some tips for applying different finishes:

  • Paint: Choose a paint that matches the color and sheen of the existing drywall. Use a paintbrush or a roller to apply the paint over the repaired area and feather it out to the surrounding area. Let it dry and apply another coat if needed.
  • Texture: Choose a texture that matches the style and pattern of the existing drywall. Use a spray can, a hopper gun, or a hand tool to apply the texture over the repaired area and blend it with the surrounding area. Let it dry and apply another coat if needed.

Installing Drywall

Drywall is a common material used for interior walls and ceilings in homes. It is made of gypsum plaster sandwiched between two sheets of paper. Drywall is durable and easy to install, but it also requires some skill and preparation to ensure a smooth and professional result. If you are considering installing drywall in your Jacksonville home, here are some important steps to keep in mind:

Measure and Plan

The first step is to measure the area where you want to install drywall and calculate the amount of material you need. You can use a tape measure and a pencil to mark the dimensions of the walls and ceilings. You can also use a stud finder to locate the studs behind the existing drywall and mark them with a pencil. You will need to account for any openings or corners in your plan, as well as any electrical or plumbing fixtures that may interfere with the installation. You can use a drywall calculator to estimate the number of drywall sheets, screws, and joint tape you need for your project.

Prepare the Area

The second step is to clear the space and ensure that the framing is in good condition and suitable for drywall installation. You will need to remove any existing drywall, wallpaper, or paneling from the walls and ceilings. You will also need to remove any nails, screws, or staples that may be left behind. You will need to inspect the framing for any damage, such as rot, mold, or termites, and repair or replace any damaged materials. You will also need to check the level and alignment of the framing and make any adjustments if needed. You will need to gather the tools and materials you need for the installation, such as:

  • Drywall sheets
  • Drywall saw
  • Utility knife
  • Tape measure
  • Pencil
  • Level
  • Drill
  • Screws
  • Drywall lift or T-brace
  • Joint tape
  • Joint compound or mud
  • Putty knife
  • Sandpaper
  • Paint
  • Paintbrush or roller

Hang the Drywall

The third step is to hang the drywall sheets to the framing using screws or nails. You will need to start by attaching the drywall sheets to the ceiling, using a drywall lift or a T-brace to hold them in place. You will need to align the edges of the sheets with the center of the studs and leave a small gap of about 1/8 inch between each sheet for expansion. You will need to use a drill and screws to secure the sheets to the studs, making sure to drive the screws about 1/2 inch below the surface of the drywall. You will need to use a drywall saw or a utility knife to cut out any openings or corners in the drywall, such as windows, doors, or outlets. You will need to repeat the same process for the walls, working from the top to the bottom and from one end to the other.

Tape and Mud

The fourth step is to apply joint tape over the seams between the drywall sheets and cover it with joint compound or mud. You will need to use a putty knife to apply a thin layer of compound over the seams and press the tape firmly into the compound. You will need to smooth out the compound and remove any excess with the putty knife. You will need to let the compound dry completely before sanding it lightly with sandpaper. You will need to apply additional coats of compound, sanding between each coat, until the seams are smooth and invisible.

Finish the Surface

The final step is to apply a suitable finish to the drywall surface, such as paint or texture. You will need to choose a finish that matches the style and color of your home. You will need to use a paintbrush or a roller to apply the finish over the drywall surface and let it dry completely. You will need to apply another coat of finish if needed.


Installing drywall is a great way to improve the appearance and functionality of your Jacksonville home. By following these steps, you can create a smooth and professional drywall surface that suits your needs and budget. Here is a table that summarizes some of the best tips and tricks for installing drywall in Jacksonville, along with their benefits and challenges.

Tip or TrickBenefitChallenge
Use a drywall calculator to estimate the amount of material you needSaves time and money, reduces waste and errorsRequires accurate measurements and planning
Use a drywall lift or a T-brace to hold the drywall sheets in placeMakes the installation easier and safer, especially for the ceilingRequires extra equipment and space
Leave a small gap between the drywall sheets for expansionPrevents cracking and buckling due to temperature and humidity changesRequires careful alignment and spacing
Drive the screws below the surface of the drywallCreates a smooth and flat surface, prevents popping and tearingRequires a drill and a bit that matches the screw size
Cut out any openings or corners in the drywall with a drywall saw or a utility knifeFits the drywall around any obstacles, such as windows, doors, or outletsRequires precise cutting and measuring
Apply joint tape and compound over the seams between the drywall sheetsCovers the gaps and creates a seamless surfaceRequires multiple coats and sanding
Apply a suitable finish to the drywall surface, such as paint or textureEnhances the appearance and durability of the drywallRequires matching the style and color of your home


Drywall repair and installation are important aspects of maintaining and improving your Jacksonville home. By understanding the common issues and following the proper techniques, you can ensure that your drywall remains in excellent condition for years to come. Whether you need minor repairs or a complete installation, don’t hesitate to contact a professional handyman for assistance.

For expert drywall repair and installation services in Jacksonville, call (904) 867-4667 or visit https://handymanjaxfl.com/.

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